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Live For Me
Live For Me
Live For Me
Live For Me

Live For Me

byErin McCarthy

In and out of foster care her whole life, Tiffany Ennis has never had space or privacy, so housesitting a mansion on the coast of Maine with only the absentee rich owner’s dog for company is pure bliss. But her peace is shattered when the owner returns to his compound unexpectedly. Tiffany finds him to be sexy and intriguing, showing an interest in her that must be mocking, given that everyone’s always told her she’s plain, nothing special. Devin Gold, known in the music industry as Gold Daddy, is usually in New York City attending drop parties and having men and women alike throw themselves at him, and Tiffany wishes he’d stayed there. There’s no reason for a top producer to hole up in Maine in the dead of winter, and every time she turns around he’s asking her prying questions. She finds herself starting to enjoy their intellectual conversations and clever sparring matches. In a hot minute she’s falling for him. Even knowing that he’s a decade older, filthy rich, and could only want her for his momentary amusement. Yet even when he hosts beautiful and confident guests from the city, he still seems to prefer her company, and is protective when odd things start happening around the house. But how far is Tiffany willing to go with a man who is still very much married, estranged wife or not, just to feel special?

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